An eye which explores the World with another eye called Lens.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Work recognition under Top 3 : Human in Geometry

Work recognition under Top 3 : Human in Geometry


Capturing things beyond the reach of a common individual is something interesting to highlight. Same way, expressing the objects with minimum presence is sometimes challenging to do, which is what minimalism in Photography is. 

In daily participation under a specific title in the International Minimalist Photography Group "Minimalist Corner", I reached in the Top 3. Thankful to the Judge and group for providing such platform to highlight Minimalist Photography. 

Here's the link to the Top 3 Images: Selection of Top 3 Images

Human in Geometry

Sumit Malhotra

Sumit Malhotra

Author & Editor

Capturing the moments at its best is all about my Photography Journey since a decade. I have been through various aspects be it Photo-Journalism, Interiors/Exteriors, Sports, Wildlife or the People. The Journey changes with the flow of time and there is always a new learning.

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